Tips for building your Instagram as a small business

It can be tough trying to get your small business up into the limelight, especially if you’re new to the whole sector and world of social media.

👉Fortunately, there are some tried and tested methods which are an effective way to build your Instagram following and reach.

Let’s take a walk through a few of these key methods, which you can start incorporating into your own marketing plan immediately!

First off → find, follow and start interacting authentically with your ideal customers.

Create content that appeals to your target audience.

Fill out your bio strategically, highlighting what exactly you do in a concise and standout manner.

Use hashtags at the end of your captions - be sure to use specific and relevant ones, and enough too!

Offer discounts - this is a perfect way to grab an individual’s attention and lead them to finalize a sale with you.

Make sure your feed is cohesive, flows and is free of any errors.

Post high -quality photos to make your brand pop.

Finally, craft some killer copywriting!